My heart goes out to their friends and family. I hope that for once the WTBTS will put its money where its mouth is and look after the needs of the surviors and familes who lost fathers, wives, daughters, sons, etc. This is truly tragic.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Eleven Dead and over 45 Injured!
by Atlantis inposted on a jw site!.
eleven jehovahs witnesses dead and over 45 injured in honduras bus accident.
.. .. atlantis!.
If Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays, Thanksgiving became all of a sudden acceptable, would you be ready to join up?
by Quarterback inhow fast do you think the wt would grow if all these celebrations were no longer an issue?.
Coded Logic
I think it would be more determental than beneficial for them. The "we are different than everyone else" card is their biggest theological position. The more they become like other religions, the less they can play that card.
Where is Jesus *RIGHT NOW*?
by kairos inlet's say he began ruling in 1914.. where is that rulership?.
i'm hoping this line of thought gets someone thinking.. .
Coded Logic
Pushing daisies.
No Heaven For God
by Coded Logic inimagine, for a moment, that you are the christian god.
and you have been around since before time began.
what would it be like to never be able to learn anything .
Coded Logic
Thanks for the link Apognophos. And might I add, God(s) damn Isaac Asimov! This isn't the first time he's stolen one of my ideas and written it down before I was born. I really do wish he would stop plagerizing my ideas before I have them!
Top Scientist descent from Creationism
by Coded Logic in
Coded Logic
"I believe God used the mechanism of evolution to achieve that goal. And while that may seem to us who are limited by this axis of time as a very long, drawn-out process, it wasn't long and drawn-out to God. And it wasn't random to God."
The problem of starting out with the premise that "God can do anything" is that there is NOTHING that can ever possibly be inconsistent with that position. It is non-falsifiable, non-verifiable, and offers no explanitory or predictive capablities. And something that is an answer for everything is an explination of nothing.
Of course human evolution is consistent with the Christian God, as too would be the direct magical creation like in the Bible, or a second handed creation through a more advanced alien species like the movie Promethius would be consistant too, or any other act of of creation you can possibly think of would be "cosistent". This line or reasoning is a joke - its just taking what we have already observed and trying to plug a god in.
No Heaven For God
by Coded Logic inimagine, for a moment, that you are the christian god.
and you have been around since before time began.
what would it be like to never be able to learn anything .
Coded Logic
Imagine, for a moment, that you are the Christian God. You know everything. You can do anything. And you have been around since before time began. What would that be like?
What would it be like to never be able to learn anything . . . because you already know everything? How would you feel if you had never been challenged in your entire life . . . because nothing is beyond your power? What could you possibly look forward to . . . if you exist outside of time? Imagine never having any friends or any family and being the only one of your kind.
When we consider for a moment these aspects of God we realize that we should not worship such a creature. Rather, we should pity him. Because everything that makes our lives great - learning, effort, reward, surprise, friends, family, etc. - is but an abstraction to God.
It reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode where a man from the Mafia dies and goes to what he initially thinks is heaven. When he arrives he can buy anything he wants. He can be with any girl he chooses. And, when partaking in his favorite hobby, gambling, he wins every single time. It’s not long before he grows tired, annoyed, and feels unfulfilled in life because he realizes that without challenge and without risk - there can be no reward.
The same must surely be true for the Christian God. And such a God wouldn't be living in heaven. Rather, the poor bastard would be living in a place that can only be describe as hell.
- CL
Some Good Advice
by Coded Logic injust found this and can't stop laughing.
really funny!.
Coded Logic
Just found this and can't stop laughing. Really funny!
Studying for the meetings vs. going on Facebook
by Coded Logic inmost people on this thread seem to agree that the internet is having a harmful effect on the wtbts ability to gain new recruits and retain jw children.
my question is do you think this has to do with the fact that those who leave are learning ttatt?
or is it that people are just spending more time of fb and instagram and don't really care much about studying and fs all the time?.
Coded Logic
Most people on this thread seem to agree that the internet is having a harmful effect on the WTBTS ability to gain new recruits and retain JW children. My question is do you think this has to do with the fact that those who leave are learning TTATT? Or is it that people are just spending more time of FB and Instagram and don't really care much about studying and FS all the time?
Is the internet corrosive to faith - or just a competitor for time?
What do Mark, Luke, and Paul all have in common?
by Coded Logic inaccording to scripture, none of them ever met jesus.
i was a jw for 20 years and i never knew this!
i thought they were all apostles!
Coded Logic
Can you post scriptures about Mark and Luke not knowing Jesus
Mark is first mentioned in the Bible after Peter is broken out of jail by an angel and Peter goes to Mary's (Marks mother) house. When Peter leaves he takes Mark with him as a companion (Acts 12:12, 25). Paul further said that Mark is "useful" in helping them minister (2 Timothy 4:11).
Luke specifically says he is not an eye witness to Jesus but has gathered testimony from (unnamed) second hand sources (Luke 1:1-3).
by NAVYTOWN ini have come to the conclusion that there is no god.
if there was a loving, righteous, all-knowing, all powerful god up there somewhere, where is he and what good is he???
Coded Logic
Only once, when he killed Jobs ten children, Job 1:12, 19.